


Carrier File Layout

The ‘Carrier File Layout’ system table is used to create its own CSV, XLS, XML files for different carriers.
The initial form displays only layout names. The user is able to Add, Amend or Delete records using appropriate buttons at
the bottom and separate modal forms.

The form for this contains a way to set up the field structure for a file.
With is a drop-down list the user may determine a file type, ie CSV, XLS, XML.

With the ‘Carrier File Layout Edit’ form, the user may change the structure and content of the files created.

Carrier File Layout
New functionality has been added to the carrier file layouts so detail lines can be included in a XML file layout.
When XML node is being added, it can be specified as Order or Order Detail level.

UK Mail / Other Carrier File Layouts

We are being asked to create more CSV files for different carriers.
Until now there were only a limited number of layouts available.
They are selected in Administration > System Tables > Despatch Method.

Please check the 'Export Carrier CSV Batch Routine' flag in the parameters so to be able to export the file.

There is functionality so users can create bespoke CSV file layouts.
There is a system table called ‘Carrier File Layouts’.
The form for this contains a way to set up the field structure for a file.
There is a flag choice to determine file type ie Csv, Xls, XML.

We then need to determine which fields should be chosen and what position they should inIt is possible to choose from all the fields that are currently used in the different files. There are fields in the table for Field Name, Start Position, End Position. The choice for field name is also one of the fields already used in the hardcoded files along with the option to have a blank.

We have included creating records to replace the currently hardcoded choices ie City Link, Tuffnells, City Link XML, FedEx, Express Parcels.

Tuffnells csv File Creation

This item relates only to customers that use the Tuffnells CSV carrier file functionality.
As well as generating a CSV file when orders are despatched, there is now functionality to send the file out to the Tuffnells system before the orders reach the despatch order status.
The plan is that every morning a routine will be run that creates Tuffnells CSV files for the orders that have a required date = current date (and have not yet been invoiced).

At the moment the number of boxes can be entered at the despatch stage, but we can now automate this according to the following criteria.

The following method is now used to calculate the number of packages/boxes that are sent.
Blinds (in cardboard packaging) can be strapped together, up to a limit for each blind.
This limit can be held in the blind type record eg if the limit is 3 for 25mm Venetian and there are 7 blinds in the order, the number of packages will be calculated as 3 (2.33 rounded up to the next whole number).
There is a new field in the blind type record called ‘Blinds Per Carrier Package’ to handle this.

We also hold the weight per blind which will also go into the Tuffnell CSV file.
There is another new field in the blind type record called ‘Average Weight’.

There is a new routine that sends CSV files for all orders with required date = current date and relevant delivery method to the Tuffnells system.
This can be run from a new button at the bottom of the Order Processing > Order Enquiry form called ‘Export Carrier CSV Files’. This button has it’s own flag in Advanced Permissions.

When this routine is run, the CSV files are merged together into one file, and the Tuffnells system will import this. Therefore when this routine is done, it only creates one csv file.

Order Enquiry > Export Carrier CSV Files

If you try to create a file for a second time, the message now says ‘A file already exists with the same name’.
Also the record is not be flagged as having an export file created until it has been exported successfully.

Order Processing > Order Enquiry
When the ‘Export Carrier CSV File’ option was selected, it now only selects orders where the csv functionality has been switched on in ‘despatch Method’.

Order Processing > Order Enquiry > Re-export Carrier CSV

There is a new button on this form called ‘Re-export Carrier CSV’. It allows the user to re-export orders that have already gone into a csv file. It does not export an order if it has not been previously exported. It should bring up a window with the orders it is going to re-export. The orders can be filtered prior to exporting, and only filtered orders that have previously been exported will be exported.

This new button is only visible if ‘Export Carrier CSV Files’ is switched on in Advanced Permissions.

Order Enquiry > Export Carrier CSV Files (Tuffnells csv)

We have removed C/R and commas before sending delivery notes to the CSV file.
If these were allowed into the CSV file, then the format got changed and it could not be imported.
The logic of how many Tuffnells labels are being created has been altered. Previously the user had to filter records by ‘Required Date’, but it was possible to accidentally create the file with all the orders.
The user is now asked for the required date when the ‘export Carrier CSV Files’ button is selected as a double-check.
It defaults to the current date.

FedEx Carrier File

It is now possible to create the FedEx carrier file for multiple orders using the ‘Export Carrier CSV Files’ button (and Re-export Carrier CSV Files) in Order Processing > Order Enquiry.
So if an order has been selected here and it has a despatch method with carrier name = FedEx, the FedEx CSV file will be created.

Please check the list of the attributes below:

Carriage Type -> Courier Code - this attribute only for the Fedex CSV File, the value is taken from 'Carriage Type' system table.
Carriage Type -> Description - this attribute only for the Fedex CSV File, the value is taken from 'Carriage Type' system table.
Carriage Type -> Package Type - this attribute only for the Fedex CSV File, the value is taken from 'Carriage Type' system table.
Carriage Type -> Payment Type - this attribute only for the Fedex CSV File, the value is taken from 'Carriage Type' system table.
Carriage Type -> Saturday - . Saturday CSV Despatch Files. When despatching for Saturday delivery via City Link on a Friday, the despatch date in the csv file is set to the next day.

Carriage Type -> Service Code - this attribute only for the Tuffnells Carriage CSV (The service type being used is now taken from a new field in the ‘Carriage Type’ record called )
Company -> Company Name - Delivery Company Name
Computer Name - Computer Name
Country -> Code - Country Code is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Country -> Description - Country Description is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
CRLF - CRLF has been added as a choice at the end of the line.
Customer -> Account Ref - Account Ref from the 'Customer' record
Customer -> Courier Account No - is taken from the courier account number in the customer record.
Customer -> Courier PDN -> Data - is value from the 'Customer' record
Customer -> Delivery Address -> Email - Email is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Contact Name - Contact Name is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Email - Email is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Line 1 - Delivery Address is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Line 2 - Delivery Address is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Line 3 - Delivery Address is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Line 4 - Delivery Address is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Mobile - Mobile is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Phone - Phone is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Post Code - Post Code is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Post Code -> Code - Post Code is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Delivery Address -> Post Code -> ZIP - ZIP is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Despatch Method -> Weight Type - this attribute only for the Fedex CSV File, the value is taken from 'Carriage Type' system table.
Hardcoded Text - Entered text
No of Packages Description - No of Packages is specified when the sales order changes status to 'Despatched'
Operator Name - User name
Order -> Actual Net - Actual Net is specified in the sales order in the 'Totals' tab
Order -> Area - Area of the Order
Order -> Carriage Text - this attribute only for the City Link CSV

In the customer record, it is possible to hold default delivery instructions specified in the Carriage text field. When the order is despatched, these go into the special instructions field 1 and if over 60 characters continue into special instructions 2 in the City Link CSV file.
However, if there is text in the ‘Delivery Notes’ field in the order record, then this text replaces the carriage text from the customer record.

Order -> Customer Order No - Customer Order No is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Order -> Customer Reference - Customer Reference is specified in the sales order in the 'Orders' tab
Order -> Delivery Company Name - Delivery Company Name
Order -> Despatch Date - Despatch Date is specified when the sales order changes status to 'Despatched'
Order -> Order No - Order Number of sales order
Package Weight - Weight is specified when the sales order changes status to 'Despatched'
Special Instructions 1 (01-30 chars of Delivery Text) - Special Instructions of the sales order
Special Instructions 2 (31-60 chars of Delivery Text) - Special Instructions of the sales order
Special Instructions 3 (Blank) - Special Instructions of the sales order
Total Weight - Weight is specified when the sales order changes status to 'Despatched'