


Carriage Surcharge

First, please check the Carriage section.

It is possible to hold an amount against the carriage type record.
For example, a pre 10.30 delivery may have a carriage surcharge, and this can be held here.
When the order is saved, if the carriage surcharge held against the carriage type record is > 0, then a carriage detail line is added to the order.
Please note for this to work there needs to be a stock record with link option = ‘Carriage Surcharge’ set up.

We now have a new option called ‘Carriage Surcharge’ so we can identify the difference between ‘Carriage’ and ‘Carriage Surcharge’.
We have also rearranged the carriage flags in the customer record.
‘FOC Carriage’, ‘Carriage Charge Per Order’ and ‘Auto Add Carriage at Order Entry’ should all be held together.

There is an option for the additional carriage in carriage type to replace the carriage in despatch method instead of adding it.
There is a new parameter called ‘Carriage Surcharge Replaces Normal Carriage’.
At the moment it is adding it as an extra carriage line but if the parameter is set to true, it replaces the normal carriage charge (picked from ‘Carriage By Area and Total’).
There is also an option to add carriage to quotations in the same way as it is added to orders ie there is a new parameter called ‘Add Carriage At Quotation Entry’.

Previously if the carriage type was changed in order, it did not add the carriage surcharge if there was already standard carriage applied.
The same issue existed with ‘Carriage by Delivery Postcode’.
This has been resolved.

However, if carriage charges are subsequently changed, then they must be manually removed and when ‘Save’ is hit, the new carriage charges will be applied.
Please note there are now option name codes for ‘Carriage’, ‘Carriage Surcharge’ and ‘Carriage by Postcode’.
These must be set up along with stock items that have these as link options.
This replaces the ‘Carriage’ and ‘Carriage Surcharge’ flags in the stock records.

This has been done so the system can distinguish between these different carriage charges when orders are being saved.

EDI Order Import

Carriage Surcharge is now added to the order at the EDI Import stage.