


Carriage Cost by Post Code

This tab holds fields for the Despatch Method, Carriage Type, Weight, Postcode and Cost.
There is also an import routine in ‘Import From Excel’ for this table.
There is then a routine that checks the carriage costs against orders.

The carrier determines the cost based partly on the weight of the order.
The weight of the order is calculated and displayed when the order is despatched, so the cost should relate to that ie the weight of the order should be compared to the next weight up in the 'Carriage Cost By Postcode' table.
For example, if the weight of the order is 10kg and there are carriage cost by postcode records that match the despatch method and postcode, if there are records with weight 8kg and 16kg, it should use the cost that is held against the 16kg record.

There is also a comparison report called ‘Carriage Cost Comparison Report’ in Reports > Financials Reports.
It has fields for ‘Order Number’, ‘Customer Reference’, ‘Order Date’, ‘Delivery Date’, ‘Invoice Date’, Calculated Carriage Cost’, ‘Actual Carriage Cost’, and ‘Difference’.
It only prints orders where there is a difference and there is a total for the difference.
There are criteria for the report for ‘Start Delivery Date’ and ‘End Delivery Date’ and the orders print in delivery date then order number order.

It is possible to import the 'Actual Carriage Cost'.
There is a button on the ‘Archive Enquiry’ form called ‘Import Actual Carriage Costs’.
This has a button visibility permission in Administration > Users.