


Bought in Blinds

The table where suppliers should be indicated.
It is possible for a customer to buy the same type of blind from more than one supplier.

Supplier discounts are held against the bought in supplier tab in the blind types form.

We hold a discount % field and a discount of 2 % here.
These default to 0.
When the cost price is selected in the order detail entry form, we calculate the cost price with a discount applied.
This will be:

Cost price = Cost price * (100 – discount %) / 100 * (100 – discount 2 %) / 100.

Please check the Purchase Processing section for more details.

There is a new free text field called ‘Bought In Item No’.
There is a new number field called ‘Bought In Mfg Lead Time’ in the ‘Bought In’ tab. This defaults to 0.
There is a new number field called ‘Bought In Deliver Lead Time’ in the ‘Bought In’ tab. This defaults to 0.
Please check the Bought In Order Tracking section for more details.

Any blinds set as ‘Bought In’ are now ignored by the scheduling functionality.
However, their lead time is still considered when calculating a required date.
This takes into account the extra lead times fields in the blind type > bought in tab (the lead times are added together to calculate the required date).

Please check the Scheduling section for more details.
All of the above order changes also work with any Copy/Split/Repair/Remake/Redespatch functionality.