


Bought In Order Tracking

There is a new form called ‘Bought In Order Tracking’ to be accessed via the ‘Order Processing’ menu located above ‘Cancelled Orders’.
There is a user permission to control access to this form.
The form will display a list of orders that contain a blind that has the ‘Bought In’ check box ticked in the blind type record

The additional functionality is also included as part of the ‘Bought In Order Tracking’ form.

A column choice is available in the context (right click) menu
Copy to Clipboard function is included in the right click menu
Copy Selected Field to ClipBoard function is included in the right click menu.

The Send PO Button will generate an email to the ‘Bought In Email Address’ on the supplier record on the orders ‘Bought In Supplier’.
The email will have a PDF attachment that will be generated with the order details using the Supplier records ‘Purchase Order Report’ template.
The ‘Date PO Emailed’ field on the [order] table will be populated with the current date as it is sent.
The subject of the email will read ‘New Purchase Order’ and the body will contain the Order No, Internal PO Number and Customer Reference

The Confirm Diagram Button will generate an email to the ‘Bought In Email Address’ on the supplier record on the orders ‘Bought In Supplier’.
The ‘Diagram Check Date’ field on the [order] table will be populated with the current date as it is sent.
The subject of the email will read ‘Purchase Order Confirmation’.
The body will contain “Please proceed” along with the Order No, Internal PO Number and Customer Reference.
The status of any detail lines where the Blind Type is flagged ‘Apply Bought In Process’ will change to WIP at this stage.
If this results in all order lines now being at the WIP status, then the overall order status will change to WIP.

The Order Manufactured button will pop up a window requesting the Manufactured date and populate this into the [order] table.
The status of any ‘Apply Bought In Process’ blinds will change to Manufactured at this stage. If this results in all order lines now being at WIP status, then the overall order status will change to WIP.
There is also a field called ‘PO Shipping Date’ on this pop up form.
The manufactured date is mandatory, but the shipping date is not.
The PO Shipping Date will update the new PO Shipping Date field on the [order] table.
This will also populate the Approx Due Receipt Date field by adding on the ‘Bought In Delivery Lead Time’ from the Blind Type record as a number of days in top of the PO Shipping Date.
The Manufactured button will be clickable again after the order has been manufactured for the first time to allow the dates to be modified.

The Received button will display a pop up where the user can enter a ‘Received Date’ and this will be populated into the [order] table PO Receipt Date field when OK is clicked.
A new user permission has been created to restrict which users can flag an order as Received.