


Blindata Web Services

New functionality has been introduced which means that Blindata customers that purchase blinds from other Blindata customers have been simplified.
Rather than having to set up blind types (either manually or by importing blind type data sets), it is now possible to access the blind types in the supplier database using a web services program we have written.

There are several advantages to this.

1. There is very little setup involved for the customer.
2. The blind type data ie fabrics and options will be up to date.
3. Cost prices for blinds (including discounts by the customer) will be found.
3. Child safety rules are already enabled.
4. Fewer mistakes with fabrics and options will be made.


Blind Details > Blind Types

There should be a record set up with a blind identifier = Online.
The best way to set this up would be to call the blind type ‘Online’ as well.
This blind type should have ‘Bought In’ switched on.

Administration > Option Names

There should be an option name called ‘Online’ set up with a code of ‘Online’.

Stock Control > Stock Items

There should be a record set up with a link option of ‘Online’.
Again the best way to do this would be to have a stock record called ‘Online’.

Purchases > Suppliers (Vendors)

The following fields will need to be set up for each supplier.
The web service address can be obtained from Ball Software, the login and password can be provided by the supplier.

It can be the 'Login' and 'Password' with the details you use when ordering on the Suppier website.

If you want to set up different blind type descriptions from the one the supplier uses, this can be done in the Blind Type Description tab.

If you then want to send the orders electronically to the supplier, with an XML file, then the following fields must also be set up.
This information can be obtained from the supplier.

Administration > Departments

The account code that is used when the electronic files (an XML file) are sent to the supplier is stored in the 'Departments' table.
There could be multiple records set up for the same supplier as there may be different account codes based on departments.


Existing price tables for blind types need to be changed.

1. The blind type should be changed to ‘Online’.
2. The supplier code should be entered as it is set up in Purchases > Suppliers.
3. The blind type code should be set to the same one as the supplier uses.

Option Pricing

The price of the 'Supplier' blinds and option choices will be shown as 'Cost Price' in the 'Window Blind Amend > Blind Details' tab.

Web Service Blind Type Pricing

There is a new method of calculating a blind type selling price from a cost price for a web service blind.
We now hold a '% Uplift' at two different levels - firstly in the supplier level, and secondly in the Supplier > Blind Type Description.
When an order detail line is entered for a web service blind type, it looks for a selling price in 'Price Table Enquiry'.
If it finds a price there, then it no longer looks for a price elsewhere.

If there is nothing there, it then checks the '% uplift' in the supplier record.
If it is > 0, then the selling price (base and option) will be calculated as the relevant base price multiplied by the uplift e.g., if the cost price is 50.00 and the '% Uplift' is 80%, then the selling price will be 50.00 + (50.00 * 80/100) = 90.00.

If there is nothing in the supplier '% Uplift', it will check the Supplier > Blind Type Description > % uplift and if that is > 0, do the same calculation as above.

Global Price Uplift

The ‘Global Price Uplift’ button can also be used to copy prices from the existing blind types to the new ‘Online’ blind types.
Here is an example of how this can be done.

Firstly, select the ‘From’ blind type – the ‘To’ blind type should be ‘Online.
The ‘Online’ From options should be set to blank and the ‘To’ options to the supplier and the blind type.

Blind Details > Blind Types

The existing blind types that were set up for the suppliers should be disabled.
This means it will not be possible to see them in the order detail line entry.