


Blindata Stock Control

The way stock control works in Blindata is influenced by the ‘Enable Factory Stock’ flag in Administration > Parameters.
If this is switched on, then stock amounts are held in two places – ‘Stock In Hand’ (warehouse) and ‘Factory Stock In Hand’.
Also, when blinds are changed to WIP or manufactured (depending on the setup of ‘Update Stock at WIP Stage), factory stock is updated.

If 'Enable Factory Stock’ is switched off, then the stock will only be updated in ‘Stock In Hand’.
Stock is altered by the following methods in Blindata. Most importantly that the 'Stock Held' flag should be ticked in the 'Stock Item > General' since it means exactly that it (stock item) will be included in the BOM calculations (Stock Transactions).
And accordingly, in the 'Non Stock' flag is ticked then this stock item will not be included in the BOM calculations.
The following fields are affected:
Stock In Hand, On Sales Order, On Purchase Order, Available Stock, Future Free Stock.

The stock control will be calculated based on the stock calculator that is specified in the 'Stock Item > General' tab.

- Width

If the calculator is Width, it means this is a not turnable fabric and the fabric should be cut from the roll by Width only.
Blindata checks if the blind drop is less than Roll Width and displays the warning message if it is not.

- Drop

If the calculator is Drop, it means this is a not-turnable fabric and the fabric should be cut from the roll by Blind Drop only.
Blindata checks if the blind width is less than Roll Width and displays the warning message if it is not.

- Width & Drop

If the calculator is 'Width & Drop' Blindata doesn't check the roll width and calculates the fabric usage (BOM value for the fabric) as Blind Width + Blind Drop

- Width or Drop

If the calculator is 'Width or Drop', it means this is a turnable fabric and the fabric is able to be cut from the roll by Width or by Drop.
Blindata selects what size is bigger but less than the Roll Width to calculate the BOM by Blind Width or by Blind Drop and to have a lower scrap of the fabric cut.
If both sizes are bigger than the Roll Width, a warning message will be displayed.

Please check the Dimension Codes section for more details.

On sales order figures

These are increased when sales orders are entered and decreased when orders are flagged as manufactured.

Sales Orders

When an order is entered in the system and a bill of materials is calculated, these amounts are added to the ‘On Sales Order’ figure.
When the blinds are manufactured (or changed to ‘Work In Progress’, depending on the parameter setup), the ‘On Sales Order’ figure is reduced and the ‘Stock In Hand’ figure is also reduced by these same amounts.

The one exception to this is if ‘Use BOM Processes’ is switched on.
If this is the case, then the stock is reduced at the Order Enquiry > Processes, but only for items that have processes related to them.
These are reduced by the amount entered rather than being reduced by the ‘on sales order’ amount.
The ‘on sales order’ is reduced as usual but the stock in hand figure is reduced by the amount entered by the user.
For BOM items that do not have processes related to them, the stock is reduced as usual at the ‘blind made’ stage.

Stock in Hand = Stock Take + Receipt Quantity - Issue Quantity + Stock Adjustment Quantity

Purchase Orders

When a purchase order is created, the ‘On Purchase Order’ figure is increased. When the purchase order is delivered (into stock), the ‘On Purchase Order’ figure is reduced and the ‘Stock In Hand’ figure is increased.

‘Available Stock’ = ‘Stock In Hand’ – ‘On Sales Order’

‘Future Free Stock’ = ‘Stock In Hand’ – ‘On Sales Order’ + ‘On Purchase Order’.

‘Allocated Stock’ is a separate figure for the allocated stock – ie stock that is required for an order that has not yet been added to the system.

Stock Adjustments

It is also possible to make manual stock adjustments. This is done in Stock Setup > Stock Transaction Entry.
If a receipt date is entered, then the ‘Stock In Hand’ figure is increased. If an issue date is entered, then the ‘Stock In Hand’ is reduced.

The 'Stock Transaction Entry' functionality is used for the BOM transactions in Blindata.

Stock Take Report

A stock take report can be run in Stock Control > Reports. The following criteria can be selected and a report will be printed out.

The people doing the stock take can then fill the report in with the actual figures.

Once the stock take has been done, the actual stock figures can be entered in the system in Stock Setup > Stock Take Entry.
If you enter the actual stock amount, the system will create the relevant stock transaction to correct the ‘Stock In Hand’ figure.

Alternatively, stock take records can be imported from a spreadsheet using the ‘Import’ button.
The spreadsheet should have the following layout (stock code, stock description, stock in hand, factory stock in hand):