


Blindata Scanner

Manual for Blindata Scanner app install

The Blindata Scanner application was created for Motorola mc32N0.

A. Download the last version of Blindata Scanner. Unpack archive.

B. Configuration for the web server (for Windows 8.1 example).

On the web server, you need to install IIS and ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.5 frameworks.
Install IIS:
1. Open the control panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off.
2. Find the Internet Information Services node and check in as you can see on the screenshot

3. Please make sure Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.0 are enabled

4. Copy and un-archive ‘BlindataWS’ attached folder to the ‘C:\inetpub\wwwroot’ folder.
You can use any other folder but in this case, you need to make sure that IIS user name will have permissions for this folder.
5. If you are moving a web service to the new location just copy BlindataWS folder from the old web service location to the new location.
6. Open control panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) manager

7. Find your default web site (or add new web site if you need) and select ‘Add Application’ from the popup menu.
8. Enter the Alias name as ‘BlindataWS’ and select the physical path as ‘C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BlindataWS’ (if you have un-archived attached folder to this path) and press OK.

9. Now you can check web service. Please enter URL http://localhost/BlindataWS/main.asmx
You should see the page like screenshot below. If you see this page then web service was deployment ok.

10. Please configure your web service to access Blindata database.
For doing this open BlindataWS\ App_GlobalResources\ ServiceConfig.resx file in notepad and find the string
<data name="DBConnectionString" xml:space="preserve">
Change ‘value’ to correct value.
If you are moving a web service to the new location please leave this point.

11. Check your connecting string. Open URL http://localhost/BlindataWS/main.asmx?op=GetVersionDB
And press the Start button. You should see the version of your Blindata database.

C. Configure your mobile device.

1. Configure your mobile device to use WiFi. Check that you have access from your mobile device to your web server.
You can check it if you open Internet Explorer browser on a mobile device and enter URL – http:// SERVERNAME /BlindataWS/main.asmx
If this page will be loaded ok then mobile device is ready to install Blindata Scanner
2. Connect your mobile device to PC and upload BlindataScanner.CAB file to ‘Application’ folder in a mobile device.
3. Double touch to BlindataScanner.CAB and install the application.
4. Start Blindata Scanner application from desktop and press Parameter button.
5. Enter the actual web service URL using the following format: http://SERVERNAME/BlindataWS/
6. Restart the application.