


Blind Type

When you click the ‘Blind Types’ option on the ‘Blind Details’ menu, the program will display a tabular form with blind type records on it.

The blind type form is used to enter details on blinds. There are three different tabs as follows:


Type. This defines the general type of blind. You need to select the option from the drop-down list.
This list refers to the blind identifiers that are set up in System Tables > Blind Identifiers.

Blind Type. Here the code for a blind type is defined. Codes should be carefully thought out, because once entered, and orders generated,
they may not be easily changed.

Description. This is the description of the blind type which will appear on labels, works orders, delivery dockets and invoices.
It can be changed at any time.

Related Blind Type. If more than one blind type is set up, but similar fabrics or slats are used, the related blind type filed is used to tie fabrics/slats back to another blind type.
For example, two different blind types may be set up for vertical blinds, but they both use the
same fabric set. In this case, the two related blind type codes will be the same.

VAT Code. In certain EU countries, VAT codes are applied to blind types. This is not relevant for the UK, however.
Measure to Default. This is used to set up the default measurement which is usually Recess size. An additional measure to types can be set up on the
‘Blind Type Setup’ tab.

There is an option to configure reports based on the blind type: