


Blind Characteristic

The ‘Blind Characteristic’ system table is used to apply the web-service on Blindata Online for certain companies. With this table
it is possible to form the set of characteristics for blinds and options and sequence them. The user is able to add as many parameters
as required and also apply hardcoded texts if necessary. With this set of parameters the corresponding URL is formed and sent to the
web-server. The web-server returns the picture of a blind/option in accordance with the selected parameters.

The ‘Name’ field (a free text alphanumeric field) consists of the web service parameter. The ‘Field Value’ field (a lookup field) is a
choice where the field value should be taken from. The ‘Field Value’ consists of ‘Blind Type Code’, ‘Fabric Code’, ‘Fabric Type’,
‘Fabric Colour’, etc.