


Barcode Scanning

Blindata Scanner

Hunter Douglas Barcode

GMI Cutting Table Barcode

TS2000 Barcode

Modra Barcode

Standby Barcode

Tigerstop Barcode

Barcode scanning can be carried out at several different levels in Blindata.
There are several parameters that can affect this.
If ‘Enable Serial No Shop Floor System’ is switched on, then the system will create serial detail lines at a level beneath the order detail line.
This means that if a quantity of 2 is entered in an order detail line, then 2 serial detail lines will be created.
This then means that certain works order label prints will show different barcodes for each serial detail line number.

If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched on, then barcodes can be generated for employees and used scanned instead of selecting employees:
The 'Barcode’ for the employees should be filled in the 'Administration > Employee > Employee Edit' form as shown below:

There is a parameter for this called 'Man Process Scan Only Required', which defaults to false.
If set to true, then when all the processes that have ‘Scan’ = true are done, the blind status is changed to ‘Blind Manufactured’.

If it is switched off, then the employee has to be selected from a lookup field.

Order Processing > Order Enquiry
The Serial ID can be printed as a barcode on the work orders, and you can see it in the 'Serial Details' tab:

The following buttons are used for barcode scanning.

WIP Blind Scan

A WIP scan and Blind Made Scan processes are recorded as process transactions.
This can be checked by right-clicking on the blind detail in the 'Order Enquiry' > View Serial Details > right-click > View Processes.
There is also a new column held against the process type in the 'Process Type' system table, called ‘Type’ so we can identify the ‘WIP’ or ‘Made’ process.
When the blind is WIPd it records the relevant process, same for Blind Made Scan.

This button will only be available if ‘Enable WIP Status’ is switched on in Administration Parameters.
This is used to change the status of a blind to ‘Work In Progress’.

WIP Order Scan

This button will only be available if ‘Enable WIP Status’ is switched on in Administration Parameters.
This is used to change the status of an order to ‘Work In Progress.

Blind Made Scan
Previously a WIP scan and Blind Made Scan did not record a process transaction but this is now possible.
There is a new parameter flag called ‘Record WIP Process’ in Parameters which defaults to false.
There is also a new column held against the process type called ‘Type’ so we can identify the ‘WIP’ or ‘Made’ process.
When the blind is WIPd it records the relevant process, same for Blind Made Scan.

If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched off, then the employee can be selected from the lookup and then the blind barcode scanned.
This will change the status of the blind to ‘Blind Manufactured’. If the entire order is now manufactured, the status of the order will change to ‘Order Manufactured’.

Order Made Scan

If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched off, then the employee can be selected from the lookup and then the blind barcode scanned.
This will change the status of the order to ‘Order Manufactured’.

Despatch Blind Scan

If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched off, then the employee can be selected from the lookup and then the blind barcode scanned.
This will change the status of the blind to ‘Blind Despatched’.
If the entire order is now manufactured, the status of the order will change to ‘Order Manufactured’.

Despatch Order Scan

If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched off, then the employee can be selected from the lookup and then the blind barcode scanned.
This will change the status of the order to ‘Order Despatched’.

Blind Process Scan

This can only be used if the manufacturing process has been set up for blind types (in Blind Details > Blind Types > Man Process Types).
If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched off, then the employee and process can be selected from the lookup fields.
If ‘Use Employee Barcode’ is switched on, then employee, process and blind can all be scanned.

Process barcodes can be set up in Administration > System Tables > Process Types.
Again the numbers used here should be unique and should not relate to any employee or blind id or serial id.
They can then be printed out in Reports > System Reports > Man process Types Barcodes.

Once process types are set up, they then need to be added to the blind type records. This can be done in Blind Details > Blind Types > Man Process Types.
You can specify the sequence in which the processes are scanned and also specify if the scan should only apply to specific option choices.
This can be done by setting the ‘Option Choice’ flag in this form

In addition, it is possible to disable the first 2 drop-down lists by turning off the ‘Blind Made Scan Lookups’ parameter for the user, please check the specification below:

There is a new flag in Users > Advanced Permission > Order Enquiry called ‘Blind Made Scan Lookups’ which defaults to true, which means they are displayed and can be edited manually.
If this is switched off, then the lookups will be displayed, but they will only be updated by a blind process scan, and it will not be possible to change the process or the employee via the lookup.

There is a flag in Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘End Scan’ which defaults to false.
When this blind process scan is done, if this is set to true it then updates another new flag in the order enquiry screen called ‘End Manuf. Done’.
‘End Manuf. Done’ is also now a column choice on the ‘Order Enquiry’ form

There is a parameter called ‘Start Scan To WIP’ in Parameters which defaults to false.
If true, if a ‘Start Scan’ scan is done, the order detail line status changes to ‘Work In Progress'.

And then set up a process type in the stock record:

Order Process Scan

This will perform the same function as the ‘Blind Process Scan’ except do it for all blinds in the order.

Un-manufacture Blind Scan

This is used to bring the status of a blind back to ‘Work In Progress’ or ‘Awaiting Manufacture’.

Un-manufacture Order Scan

This is used to bring the status of an order back to ‘Work In Progress’ or ‘Awaiting Manufacture’.

Un-Deliver Blind Scan

This is used to bring the status of a blind back to ‘Blind Manufactured’.

Un-Deliver Order Scan

This is used to bring the status of an order back to ‘Order Manufactured’.

Process Transactions

After a process scan has been done, the processes can be viewed in ‘Process Transactions in Order Enquiry, or in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ by right clicking on an order, selecting ‘Serial Details’ then ‘View Processes’.


You can analyse employee performance by looking in Reports > System Reports > production Process By Employee etc.