


BOM Group

The ‘BOM Group’ system table is used to group BOMs by the criteria and for the purposes defined by the user.
The list of BOM Group types is hardcoded.

The ‘BOM Group’ field (Stock Control > Stock Items > Defaults > BOM Group) in the Stock Items form refers to this system table.
The user may select the BOM group from the drop down list.

The BOM group, selected in the 'Stock Items’ form, is reflected in the ‘Bill of Materials’ form of the ‘Window Blind Amend’ form
(Order Processing > Orders > Window Blind Amend > view Bill of Materials).

The set up BOM groups will be reflected in certain reports (e.g. ‘Sales Analysis by Blind Type by BOM group’).

When calculating cost price for certain orders, if the BOM group is flagged as ‘Additional’, this group will not be included in the cost price.