


Automated Tasks 2

There is a new automated task called ‘Send Order Status Excel File’ .

There are fields for:
Send Order Status Excel File (true/false)
FTP Location
FTP Username
FTP Password
Export Time

The file includes all orders that have order status Order Entered, Order Printed, Work In Progress, Part Manufactured, Order Manufactured, Despatched and Invoice Created and Invoice Printed.

The Excel file contains the following fields:

Company Name
Account Code
Customer Order No.
Order No.
Delivery Address First Name
Delivery Address Last Name
Order Status (see below for Blindata status’ mapped to Axel status’)
Order Date
Required Date (until order is despatched then it should be despatch date plus one)
Products ie 2R, 3 S25
Remake (True/False)

The file is called Blindata.OrderStatus.yymmdd, where yymmdd is the current date the file is sent.

Enable Sales Order Update

There is a new field in the Order record called ‘Container Number’ and this has a column choice in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’.
This field is filled via a new automated task in Parameters > Automated Tasks 2 > Enable Sales Order Update.

Purchase Ledger Automation (PL Automation)

There is a new automated task in Parameters > Automated Tasks 2 called 'Enable PL Automation'.
This then enables fields for FTP location, username, password, PO Folder, PO Receipt Folder, and Check Every (x) Hours.

When this is enabled, the automated task creates XML files for regular purchase orders and purchase order receipts, only creating one file for a purchase order and one file per receipt of a PO.
This means once the fields are created, the PO details lines are flagged as sent to the FTP folder.