


Automated Task

It is possible to send the daily Status Reports automatically to specified customers using AutomatedTask application.
First of all, you have to check that the Automated Task is installed on the PC.
Usually, it is located in the same folder where Blindata is installed (originally the path is c:\Program Files (x86)\Ball Software\Blindata\).

When you double-click on the AutomatedTask icon the message might pop up saying that the Automated Task settings should be adjusted.
So using the connection details from the blindata.ini file (also located in this folder) you will have to fill all the settings for Automated Task (see the screenshot below).
Once this is done you have to select the company name and click Change Company. Then restart the Automated Task again.

Blindata Automated Tasks is a little bit different from Blindata Desktop and it appears like a small icon on the taskbar and it is controlled by context menu (right mouse click).

Then on the Settings tab switch on the 'Use Outlook' flag or fill the SMTP Server Settings.

Once it is done you will have to enable the Daily Status Report section and select the time when the reports should be sent on the ‘Automated Tasks’ tab (shown on the third screenshot).

Then tick a 'Send Daily Status Report' parameter and fill a 'Status Report Email' field by specific email address in the customer record on the Email Fields tab.

All details should be entered on user's PC which runs 'Outlook' so it can email all of the Daily Status Reports.
Please enter the details, save them and restart the application.
Also, please note that there should be only 1 instance with entered details of the 'Automated Task' application.

The application should be running the whole time, i.e. so it should stay in the bottom taskbar.