


Automated Invoice Tasks

Automated Invoice Creation

Automated Invoice Creation creates the invoices and changes the order statuses from 'Despatched' to 'Invoice Created'.

Automated Invoice Print

Please note that invoice will be printed and changed the status to 'Invoice Printed' only in case if there is a sales order with the 'Invoice Created' status.
Automated Invoice Email/Print changes the order statuses from Invoice Created to Printed and prints the invoices in the batch. If the 'Email' checkbox is flagged then it also emails the invoices to the customers.

Automated Invoicing

At the moment we have automated routines for creating and posting invoices.
There is now an additional automated function for ‘Invoice Batch Print’ so all created invoices can be emailed or printed.
There is a new section in this form called ‘Automated Invoice Email/Print’, which has a flag to switch it on called ‘Enable Automated Invoice Email/Print’, a field for ‘Invoice Email/Print Time’ and an ‘Operator’ choice.

Auto Invoice Create

There is a new parameter in Administration > Parameters > automated Tasks called ‘Enable Automated Change to Invoice Printed’.
When the ‘Automated Invoice Creation’ task is run, the order status will change to ‘Invoice Printed’ instead of ‘Invoice Created’ if this flag is set to true.

Archiving After Invoice Posting

There is an automated task that archives all orders that have a status of ‘Invoice Posted’.
Previously there was only an automated invoice creation. There is now another flag here called ‘Also Enable Invoice Archiving’.
If this is set to true, then after the orders have their status changed to ‘Invoice Posted’, the ‘Invoice Posted’ orders are archived.

Automated Invoice Posting only changes the order statuses from Invoice Printed to Posted but please note that it does not create transactions to any accounting systems.
Also, the SQL Server Agent should be switched on and run for Invoice Creation and Automated Invoice Posting on the server.

Please note that 'Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition' does not support 'SQL Server Agent'.
Therefore, you need to have 'Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition' to be able to use this functionality.