


Amazon S3

Amazon S3 Connection

There is a new group box ‘Amazon S3 Connection’ in Parameters > Set Connection screen.
It contains 2 field - Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
There is a new choice ‘Amazon S3’ in Parameters > EDI > Connect To tab.
After selecting this choice then it is possible to add buckets to Parameter > EDI > FTP Folders List and to select buckets in the Archive folder and Broken transaction folder.

The XML files that are sent to the Amazon S3 bucket can be called TBD-*, EDI-* and - EDA-*.

After this, the EDI routine will work in the usual way except it will use Amazon S3 storage instead of FTP.


EDI can be received either manually by pressing the button EDI Enquiry > Reception Data > “Сheck New Transactions”, or automatically, if the corresponding option is checked in the parameters.
If there is a new transaction received, the user will see a corresponding message .

After the transaction is received the user may start the data import (mapping) by pressing the 'Import Wizard' button .
The import process consists of two parts – creating relations between received data and the database data and creating an order.
The mapping process consists of 5 steps – mapping Customer information, selecting import data, mapping Blind Type, Fabric, Options.
After the Wizard is started, the user will get to the Customer relation form.
The relation is set by selecting an Inner Code for the customer – i.e. mapping the customer to the corresponding customer in the database.
The same method is used to map all other data.

On the Select Import Data tab, the user can check the orders they want to import to the system and view the content of these orders.
On the Import Blind Type tab, the user can set the relation for Blind type and check the details for this blind type. Import Fabric tab works in the same way.