


Cutting Sizes From BOM

Because of the number of choices for clutch, springs, motors, tubes, end caps etc, the cutting size functionality has become very complicated.
Therefore an alternative cutting size calculation has been created.
If you need to apply a new functionality, please check the 'Use Fabric Cutting Sizes' in the parameters:

The system can now look at the choices in the BOM and calculate the cutting sizes from those.

There is a new flag in System Tables > Cutting Option called ‘Calc From BOM’ which defaults to false.

There is also a new flag called ‘Calc By Drop’.
If you need to apply the cutting option to the 'Drop' value then please tick the ‘Calc By Drop’ flag.
The alternative cutting deduction (by stock item) can apply to the 'WIDTH' OR 'DROP' value.

If it is set to false, then the cutting sizes will be calculated as they are currently. If set to true, the new functionality will apply.

There is a new tab in Stock Items called ‘Cutting Sizes’. This has three fields: Cutting Option, Width Deduction, Drop(Height) Deduction.
Multiple records can be added in this tab.

When an order detail line is entered, in the cutting sizes functionality, if ‘Calc From BOM’ = true, then the cutting size will be calculated by either:

Blind size width – the sum of the ‘Width Deduction’ field for each stock item in the BOM

or (if ‘Calc By Drop’) blind size drop - the sum of the ‘Drop Deduction’ field for each stock item in the BOM

Please note that in the example above, Blind Size = Entered Size.

There is a change in the logic related to the Stock Items > Cutting Size form.
There is a new flag here to indicate whether the 'Measure To' should match or not.

Previously the default was to exclude the deduction if the 'Measure To' matches the 'Measure to' in the order detail line.
The new flag, called 'Match' defaults to false.
If set to true then the deduction is made only if the 'Measure To' matches the 'Measure to' in the order detail line.

Calc From BOM Cutting Options

This change relates to cutting sizes being calculated the ‘Calc From BOM’ method.
Let’s consider two cutting sizes, ‘Fabric Width’ and ‘Tube Width’.
Let’s say the BOM generated has 4 different items in it that have cutting deductions for ‘Fabric Width’ – these have all been set up against the stock items.
The ‘Tube Width’ cutting size is actually going to be the same as the ‘Fabric Width’ and the customer does not want to have to set up 4 more cutting deductions for ‘Fabric Width’.
To resolve this, the program could look at the ‘Fabric Width’ and use those deductions before applying the ‘Tube width’ deductions.

There is a new field in System Tables > Cutting Options called ‘Related Cutting Option’, which is only be editable if ‘Calc From BOM’ = true.
If this field is filled then the deductions will be done for the related field first and these will be added to the deduction.

So if cutting option ‘Tube Width’ has ‘Fabric Width’ as the ‘Related Cutting Option’ the deductions for both will be added together to give the ‘Tube width’ deduction.