


A Different Currency Type in the Supplier record

The purchase orders can be entered in a different from 'Default' currency, please check the instruction below:

At the moment we can sell items as individual units or as ‘units of sale’ eg box or roll.
We are now able to keep a record of purchases in this method as well.
We can also record the price purchased in a different currency if necessary.
The currency is determined by the supplier currency setting.
There is a new tab called ‘Unit Costs’ in the ‘Stock Items’ form.

There is a selling rate and purchasing rate for currency type.
A new field has been created for the selling rate and the existing rate copied into it.
All sales orders now look at the selling rate (for both blind and component detail lines).
All purchasing will still look at the original currency rate.

This has fields for ‘Unit Description’, ‘Default’ and ‘Cost’, and ‘Base Currency Cost’.
The user can enter the first 3 fields but not the ‘Base Currency Cost’.
This is calculated by dividing the currency rate into the ‘Cost’.
The ‘Unit Cost Price’ field in the ‘General’ tab is renamed to ‘Unit Cost Price (Base)’ and there is another field called ‘Unit Cost Price’ where the foreign currency price is entered.
When this is entered, the ‘Unit Cost Price (Base) is calculated by dividing the currency rate into the ‘Unit Cost Price’.

But please note, that when you change the 'Currency Rate' in the 'Currency Type' system table then this change will not affect the 'Unit Cost' price that already exists in the 'Stock Item' record.
So if you need to enter a new 'Unit Cost' price then it will be calculated based on the new 'Currency Rate'.